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17 Oct 2018
Unless you wish to breed from your cat, he/she should be neutered at four to six months of age.
Un-neutered male cats tend to roam and fight a lot and may also start urine spraying in the house. Fighting can lead to injuries and illness and spread of diseases like Feline Aids (FIV) and Feline Leukemia (FeLV).
Un-neutered female cats tend to quickly become pregnant and can have one litter after another. This is very hard on them and leads to unwanted kittens.
The term for neutering a female cat is 'spaying'. When female cats are spayed both ovaries and the uterus are removed.
The term for neutering a male cat is 'castrating'. When male cats are castrated both testicles are removed.
Because both operations are performed under general anaesthetic your cat will need to spend the day with us and will need to be fasted (no food after 8.00pm the night before and no breakfast in the morning, water should be removed at 7.00am)
We like you to have an appointment with Colin or Claire (the vets) prior to the operation to check your cat is fit and well, and to discuss what is involved and any problems or concerns that you may have. Two days after the operation we schedule another appointment with you to make sure everything is okay and that your cat is recovering well. Female cats need to come back to the hospital after approximately ten days to have their stitches removed. Because male cats do not require stitches this visit is not necessary.
At Vetcall the price includes all checkups and stitch removal, two types of painkilling injections given at the time of your cats surgery (one of these lasts 48 - 72 hours) and use of modern safe anaesthetic drugs. All anaesthetics are monitored by a qualified veterinary nurse.
You have the option to have a pre-anaesthetic blood test performed as well as having your cat put on intravenous fluids (fluid drip).
A pre-anaesthetic blood test is performed on the day of surgery and gives us valuable information and peace of mind. A small sample of blood is collected and tested to check if your cat’s organs are functioning normally, and helps to reveal any hidden conditions. This helps us select the best anaesthetic protocol for your cat and minimize risks and consequences.
Intravenous fluid support given throughout your cat's operation and recovery period reduces risk by helping to maintain a normal blood pressure and ensures immediate access to your cat’s circulation should any anaesthetic or surgical complications arise. Cats supported with intravenous fluids have a quicker smoother recovery and less post – operative complications.
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